Registered Charity No: 274206 (England & Wales).

Our wildlife is disappearing. In the UK almost two thirds of species have declined in the past 50 years, and a startling one in ten faces extinction. There’s nothing natural or inevitable about this. It can be stopped, and everyone can play a part. That’s why People’s Trust for Endangered Species exists.

We’ve been standing up for wildlife for over 40 years. With the help of scientists, conservationists, landowners, government, and the general public, we’re protecting our delicately balanced ecosystem by bringing our most threatened species back from the brink. We invest in research and test the best ways to protect endangered species in their natural habitats. Then we put what works into action, creating vibrant wildlife havens.

We could not do our work without the generous legacy gifts we receive from our supporters. Last year, over a third of our income came from people who left a lasting legacy to continue protecting the wildlife that brought them so much joy in their lifetime. Legacy gifts allow us to plan ahead, and are used to act wherever the need is greatest.

To learn more about leaving a gift to wildlife, visit

Thank you.